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_fall to pieces

tamoadmin 2024-09-06 人已围观

简介1.your letters are passed from cell to cell - - - - - -they fall to pieces.2.分崩离析是什么意思3.翻译短语:1:fall into pieces 2:set .... on fire 3:put ...at ease4.用括号里的短语翻译: 他听说他妻子去世的消息后几乎崩溃了.(fall to pieces)5.汉

1.your letters are passed from cell to cell - - - - - -they fall to pieces.


3.翻译短语:1:fall into pieces 2:set .... on fire 3:put ...at ease

4.用括号里的短语翻译: 他听说他妻子去世的消息后几乎崩溃了.(fall to pieces)

5.汉译英: 花瓶掉在地上,成为了碎片。(用词组:fall to pieces)

_fall to pieces

everytime 它基地雨一点





I'll 是哭泣无法停止


'Cause 每次下雨




我品尝您 我无法忘记 在下雨...




我知道I'll 再从未是与您

I'll 从未发现另以那仁慈在他的眼睛

I'll 是尝试无法停止 看来这里首先下落

'Cause 每次下雨 我跌倒对片断

许多记忆雨发行 我感觉您...

我品尝您 我无法忘记 在下雨...

时候我得到湿 在晴天I'm 好 我走在光

并且我设法认为不 爱我居住无

但每次下雨 我跌倒对片断

许多记忆雨发行 我感觉您...

我品尝您 我无法忘记

在下雨... 时候我得到湿

'Cause 每次下雨



我感觉您... 我品尝您

我无法忘记 在下雨...


'Cause 每次下雨


许多记忆雨发行 我感觉您...

我品尝您 我无法忘记 在下雨...



everytime it rains-Ace Of Base

I see dark clouds out my window

I know the storm is coming any minute

And the thunder just confirms my fears

And I know the tears are in there

I'll be crying unable to stop

Look here comes the very first drop

'Cause every time it rains

I fall to pieces

So many memories the rain releases

I feel you... I taste you

I cannot forget

Every time it rains... I get wet

Darling I am still in love with you

As time passes by it just intensifies

I know I'll never be with you again

I'll never find another with that kindness in his eyes

I'll be trying unable to stop

Look here comes the very first drop

'Cause every time it rains

I fall to pieces

So many memories the rain releases

I feel you... I taste you

I cannot forget

Every time it rains... I get wet

On sunny days I'm all right

I walk in the light

And i try not to think about

The love I live without

But every time it rains

I fall to pieces

So many memories the rain releases

I feel you... I taste you

I cannot forget

Every time it rains... I get wet

'Cause every time it rains

I fall to pieces

So many memories the rain releases

I feel you... I taste you

I cannot forget

Every time it rains... I get wet

'Cause every time it rains

I fall to pieces

So many memories the rain releases

I feel you... I taste you

I cannot forget

Every time it rains... I get wet

your letters are passed from cell to cell - - - - - -they fall to pieces.

歌曲名:Fall To Pieces


专辑:Live In Manchester

Fall to Pieces

I look away

Then I look back at you

You try to say

The things that you can't undo

If I had my way

I'd never get over you

It ain't the day

I pray that we make it through

Make it through the fall

Make it through it all

And I don't wanna fall to pieces

I just want to sit and stare at you

I don't want to talk about it

And I don't want a conversationg

I just want to cry in front of you

I don't want to talk about it

Cuz i'm in love with you

You're the only one

I'll be

When I come and down

back i'm do the satrs

Back and to your arms

And I don't wanna fall to pieces

I just want to sit and stare at you

I don't want to talk about it

And I don't want a conversationing

I just want to cry in front of you

I don't want to talk about it

Cuz I'm in Love With you

Wanna know who you are

Wanna know where to star

I wanna know what this mean

Wanna know how you feel

Wanna know what is real

I wanna know everything ,evetything

I'm in love with you

Cuz i'm in love with you

And I'm in love with you

I'm in love with you




fall to pieces ? passed from cell to cell ? before.

Your letters are passed from cell to cell before they fell to pieces.

翻译短语:1:fall into pieces 2:set .... on fire 3:put ...at ease


[break up;come apart;fall to pieces]

四分五裂, 形容 国家 、集团等分裂瓦解 邦分崩离析而不能守也。?《论语?季氏》 详细解释 形容国家、集团或 组织 分裂瓦解。 《论语·季氏》 :“邦分崩离析,而不能守也。” 《后汉书·邓禹传》 :“ 四方 分崩离析,形埶可见。” 宋 司马 光 《保业》 :“臣窃观自 周 室东迁以来,王政不行, 诸侯 并僭,分崩离析,不可胜记。凡五百有五十年而合於 秦 。” 《痛史》 第 十七 回:“此时正是国家分崩离析之际,岂可听其闲居!” 孙中山 《 中国 国民党第一次全国代表大会宣言》 :“此派之拟议,以为今日 中国 之大患,在於无法,苟能藉 宪法 以谋统一,则分崩离析之局,庶可收拾。”


分崩的解释 .分裂;离散。《东观汉记·田邑传》:“朝有颠沛之忧,国有分崩之祸。”《周书·阎庆传》:“ 高欢 逆乱,宇内分崩,羣盗竞兴,人皆徇己。” 《为国会期限 问题 敬告 国人》:“夫孰使我 祖宗 丘墓之墟为他国 离析的解释 ∶分离仲舒遭 汉承 秦灭学之后,六经离析,下惟发愤,潜心大业。;;《汉书;董仲舒传赞》 参看;分崩离析; ∶分析;辨析详细解释.分裂;离散;分离。《论语·季氏》:“邦分崩离析,而不能守也。” 何晏

用括号里的短语翻译: 他听说他妻子去世的消息后几乎崩溃了.(fall to pieces)



pieces =破碎;崩溃




fire=令...情绪激动; 放火烧...;




=使...无拘无束; 让...放松(心)


汉译英: 花瓶掉在地上,成为了碎片。(用词组:fall to pieces)

After hearing his wife's death,he fell to pieces.






the vase falled onto the floor to pieces
